football gem of the south

u12 GSE UK Tour
Our U12 boys have been presented with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel to the UK, where they will train with top-tier clubs such as West Ham United, Fulham, and Charlton Athletic F.C., and participate in sessions with Tek4Tekkers. This unique opportunity will allow our talented and dedicated young athletes to develop their skills, gain invaluable international experience, and be inspired by the global soccer community.
This trip promises to be an extraordinary experience for our boys, who are at a crucial stage in their development. Attending training sessions at Premier clubs will greatly enhance their technical, tactical, physical, and psychological skills. Our team, comprised of 16 boys from diverse backgrounds, have already demonstrated exceptional talent and teamwork; currently competing in the top league of the NS League under the SLFA, with an unbeaten record so far this season.
However, undertaking such a significant journey requires substantial financial support. As a youth development club and a non-profit organization, we rely solely on sponsorships and donations to fund our activities. We are seeking the support of esteemed organizations and individuals who share our passion for youth development and sports excellence to help cover travel expenses, accommodation, training fees, and other essential costs associated with this international training program.
By sponsoring Linhill Celtic F.C., you will not only be investing in the future of these promising young players but also contributing to the broader community. Soccer for our boys is more than just a game; it teaches them valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, resilience, and the importance of hard work. Your support will provide these children, many of whom come from less advantaged backgrounds, with a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons, build their confidence, and inspire them to strive for excellence on and off the field.
Volunteer Day at The Animal Anti Cruelty League
Our team selling goodies to help raise funds for their UK Tour
ADIDAS Activation Day - 12 May
ADIDAS gave our team the opportunity to wear their professional ELITE boots for their game... We WON 8 - 0. THANK YOU ADIDAS